
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Breathings-of-My-Heart, Where Are You?

The assignment: William Wordsworth once instructed writers to “fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But putting our feelings and “breathings” onto paper in a way that will inspire others is not as easy as it sounds. 
Prompt: What have you learned about writing very personal thoughts and feelings? What advice would you give other writers about putting their “breathings of their hearts” onto paper?

Here is my response:  

InScribe Writers Online: Breathings-of-My-Heart, Where Are You? by Joylene...: Sometimes I can’t hear the breathings of my heart for the screamings of my head. From the moment I wake up in the morning the inc...


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Monsters and Cowboys

There is a writing opportunity peeking at me from around a corner. Its winking eyes are playful and enticing. And it looks like a fun character to hang around with.

But I haven't ventured around the corner yet.

I'm afraid those playful eyes are attached to a monster that will lead me far from home. And I'm not a monster tamer.

Or even a monster friend.

I don't know monster language or monster culture.

And I won't fit in. Monsters are big and intimidating. They can conquer big and intimidating things. I'm just me.

It's completely out of my comfort zone.

Yesterday the Cowboy and I were discussing this writing opportunity. 

Finally I said, "They need a writer. Someone who can smell the smells, see the views, hear the sounds, and make that come alive on paper. But I don't know if I'm the right one for the job."

Without a second's hesitation, the Cowboy, king of analogies, replied, "That's like a bronc rider up on the chute looking down at the bronc below and saying, 'Nope. That's not the horse for me.'
He just gets on and rides it. That's what cowboys do."

Hmmm ... I think I just took a few steps closer to those playful eyes around the corner.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sanctuary: A Mom's Story

I'm guest posting over at Mercy Ministries today. Click here to find it. Thanks for reading.